November 16, 2021

a bear settles in

to its cave 

for the winter…

I pay up to park


Take 5ive issue 4

November 13, 2021

earth day…

the joke I tell 

falls flat 

Haiku Canada Review, Feb 2021

November 11, 2021

breaking out

of quarantine …

summer wind 

Akitsu Quarterly Winter 2020

October 30, 2021

COVID continues:

we skip Halloween…

I peek 

at the ghosts

of our past 

Take 5ive Issue 3

October 25, 2021

a billionaire pays

for a voyage to space…

we gaze 

at a night

without stars 

cattails Fall 2021

September 25, 2021


heavy snow...

I sink deeper

into my chair 

Modern Haiku 52.1

August 29, 2021

struggling to teach him

the routes 

of explorers

I draw him a map

back to school 

cattails Spring 2021

August 27, 2021

a red patch

on the blackbird’s wing…

autumn dusk 

Presence 69

July 10, 2021

Fifty at Fifty: My Haiku

Please see the PDF below for my chapbook Fifty at Fifty: My Haiku.  It is a collection of my best haiku as of my fiftieth birthday last summer. 

April 28, 2021


In the front pew I sit awaiting my parents. Before me is a huge old cross to which a wooden Jesus is nailed. I examine His outstretched arms, the way His head hangs down. My atheist uncle says death on a cross comes through asphyxiation. There’s no way, he argues, that Jesus called “Why hast Thou forsaken me?” while choking to His death.

The Pastor’s hand on my shoulder startles me. He meets my eye, then looks up to that same cross. “What’s amazing,” he says while pointing with his Bible, “is that everything inside this Book is true.”

My parents arrive as the service begins. As much as I try to pay attention, I get distracted when the Pastor clears his throat.

afternoon sun …

my shadow and I

the same length 

Haiku Canada Review Feb 2020

Contemporary Haibun 16

January 27, 2021

a slow afternoon

my mind starts

to drift

with the traffic

passing outside

The Bamboo Hut, Fall 2019

January 25, 2021

replacing the sound

of passing traffic

a small


of birds

Presence 67

January 24, 2021

a cool breeze

pushes its way

through my window—

the chill

of self-isolation

Frameless Sky 12

January 21, 2021

almost noon,

my son’s still asleep—

I open

the blinds

on his dreams

Under the Basho, 2020

January 20, 2021

the company proposes

a fresh round

of layoffs—

I make myself small

at my desk

The Bamboo Hut, No. 3, 2020

January 19, 2021

along with

his backpack

after the loss

I carry my son’s


The Bamboo Hut No. 3, 2020

January 18, 2021

what can I offer

this Coke bottle


the hollowed out

song of a breeze

Sonic Boom 18

January 17, 2021

I grow a small beard

for my fiftieth


the moon lights

a grey, stubbled field 

Presence 68

January 15, 2021

winter produce...

the grocer imports

fruit flies

Modern Haiku 51.3

January 14, 2021

mountain trail...

a bear crosses

my mind

tinywords 17.2

January 13, 2021

afternoon nap...

a lawnmower

cuts it short

The Heron’s Nest, December 2020